From Strategy to Tragedy (and How to Make It Back)

Good planning is essential to success. Like many others, I am a great believer that preparing for all eventualities, every angle, and possible outcome is the way to have a fighting chance for a great strategy to succeed. It doesn’t matter in what walk of life or business the strategy is for. Failing to prepare […]
Fluid Strategy

I am often asked: what is Strategy? I used to use long and detailed explanations that covered all sorts of possible objections the listener had never even thought of, taking the more ‘detailed’ route of strategy of my own in anticipating their reactions. However, in recent years, the more experiences I had the more I […]
Ask Yourself These Three Powerful Questions – And Do Nothing

I was recently looking for some information to help a client that had grown so fast since first trading to see where things were being delayed in the implementation of his strategy. To any neutral observer it was clear: daily tasks micro-management was taking over the execution of the agreed strategy. The client was frustrated […]